Guide for School Leaders
The pedagogical digital strategies are going to be based on the qualifications framework and curriculum. In the beginning, there is going to be developed a method addressed to school leaders on how they can develop the pedagogical digital skills inside their institution using a whole school approach.
It will include a step-by-step guide on issues such as: the identification of needs, the whole school approach for the development of pedagogical digital strategies, monitoring strategies, etc. Templates models and examples of such strategies are also going to be developed.
This method is then going to be implemented in practice for 100 schools throughout Europe. The needs of the teachers are going to be identified with the support of the partners as well as already available European tools (such as SELFIE).
On the basis of these needs, the partners are going to support these schools to develop pedagogical digital strategies and monitor the implementation of the strategy in the framework of the whole school approach. On the basis of the conclusions from the implementation of this method, it is going to be revisited and reviewed and then translated in order to be able to be used also in the national context.