Literature Review

The development of the D-Paideia Digital Pedagogical Competence Qualifications Framework is based on the review of scientific literature on teachers’ digital competences. This literature review was conducted in May 2023 by the University of Florence research team to identify the pedagogical needs and competences required of teachers as they emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic period and its educational consequences.
The literature review consists of three sections, including the theoretical background, the definition of educators’ digital competence and the teachers’ needs before and after Covid-19.

The first section provides a theoretical background for describing the international research view in the field of teachers’ digital competences.

The second section aims to understand how educators’ digital competence is defined in different contexts and to identify areas that could be added to DigCompEdu based on other existing models.

The third section focuses on the digital competence of European teachers before and after the Covid-19 pandemic to highlight their educational needs and expectations.